Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Last day (a little late).

Not too much has changed in 9 months, although I can tell you that shirt doesn't fit him anymore!

Showing me the chalk on his hands.

Gray finished his first year of pre-school last week. It was such an amazing experience for him and for us. He made some great friends and loved every second. 

Now we are on to summer school starting next week! His school breaks it up into two sessions. The first session is gardening and the second is the circus. Not sure what will be happening, I just know that we have been encouraged to dress them in swim trunks every class. Sounds fun to me!

Bring on the ruffles.

It doesn't get much sweeter than this.
Love Lou's face.

She's either bothered by the skirt or her brother.
Someone looks JUST like her daddy. Woah.   

Lou's Nanny Toni sent this skirt and top out for her. We had to have a photo shoot in it. 
So funny. Ever since I took these pictures, Gray keeps pulling the skirt out of the drawer wanting her to wear it on our errands, which are usually to the grocery store. You know...Mom in her workout clothes (without a shower), Gray in his funny t-shirt  (uncombed hair and food on his face) and Lou in her prom gown. What would they say at Whole Foods?:)

Can you believe that last picture? Drew and Lou look just alike. Pretty crazy. I'm gonna start calling them Drewise or Drewlou. ha.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mother's Day.

My two loves.
My newest reason to celebrate Mother's Day.
I can't get enough of this kid.
Gray and Willa having a chat about something important, I'm sure.

Super fly Willa and her Gigi.
Sweet Tabitha.

Halley and Zoey. Sisters.
Little Miss Zoey.
Teething Tabitha.
Jon, Willa, Drew and Gray. Two amazing Dad's.
Happy (belated) Mother's Day!

I had typed up a really long post about being a mother to two kids and it was deleted when I tried to post it. So, because I limited on time and would like to take a nap while both of my kiddos are sleeping, I won't be re-typing it. :)

Instead, I just want to thank my husband for making Mother's Day so amazing for me and for always making me feel loved and special. I couldn't do my "job" without you. 

Hope you all had a super duper day!!! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1 is so much fun!

Already a trouble maker...grabbing letters.
I realize my mom dresses me like a boy.
I made my mom add the headband since I was wearing my brothers old onesie.
One month!!!!!!!
Remember Verdi? I love this, it looks like Louise is copying him.
Even Ellie loves me. This is unreal. We weren't sure if Ellie actually new Louise was there, but she climbed right up on the couch and snuggled up. She also likes to hang out on the rug in Lou's room.

 My good friend Toniann found Grayson wine when he was born and Lulu wine when she was born. 
Gray and Dad gave me my first real bath.
I went to my first BBQ.
Gray and his good friend Willa dining al fresco at my first BBQ. Aren't they adorable?


I can't believe Lou is already one month old. Time really does fly. Since I just post a bunch of pictures, I didn't have a lot to put on this post. The top pictures I took on 2 different days. The first one I took in Lou's crib on the gray sheets and then the next day she had on that black and white onesie and I thought it would look so cute against Gray's black and white sheets I had to take another set of photos. :)

We have been having a lot of fun with little Louise. Including coming up with lots of nicknames. So far we have, Lou, Lulu, Lou Bear and Lil' Wheezy (a nickname Drew gave her in the ER when she was having a hard time breathing.) 

She is such a SWEET, SWEET baby and we are enjoying every second.
We are lucky, lucky, lucky to have 2 sweet littles (even though Gray's sweetness is taking a little break.) :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Welcome to the world, Louise Olivia (Lou)

Brand new baby girl.
I will never forget this moment, when I got to hold Lou for the first time. (My head looks huge, I know..ha!) 

Dad and Lou.
Just a few hours old.
Just a few hours old and haven't had a bath yet.
So fresh and so clean.
Ready to go home.
It was snowing out...better wear a hat.
Going home after one day in the hospital.
Here we go.
Gray and Lou. Gray loves his sister so much!
Sorta looks like he has her in a headlock. He may have meant to do that, who knows?

Sweet girl.
Love my girl...
and my boy, of course.
Grandpa Mike and Nanny Toni
Grandpa Jim and Nanny Neetie
World's #1 Uncle and Aunt!

 April 8th, 1:15pm, 7 lbs 13 oz, 21 5/8"

 IT'S A GIRL! That is what Drew screamed when Louise arrived after the most intense 15 minutes of my life. For some reason, both of my labors have had some complications and been pretty stressful. Luckily, the outcome both times has been a healthy, happy, perfect baby. 

Drew and I were both certain we were having a boy, so when Drew announced it was a girl, I was a speechless, emotional mess. I must have said a million times I really didn't care what I was having because I had enjoyed having a boy SO much. But the truth is, I really wanted to experience the joys of having one of each.  Lucky us.

On to the name.
 Louise was my mom's mom. She was an amazing woman. Someone I admired so much.  With 11 kids, 32 grandchildren and 54 great-grandchildren, she was committed to her family and god. She was a simple, loving, patient, wonderful woman who loved to quilt, garden, bake and pray. People like my Grandma are hard to find these days and I wanted to name my daughter Louise in memory of my lovely Grandma and all that she represents to me.

Once we finally agreed upon Louise (if it was a girl) the middle name was difficult. Louise as a middle name goes with almost anything. Louise as a first name is another story. My first thought was Olivia because then her initials would be LOU and I thought it would be cute since we were planning on calling her Lou (if it was a girl.) Drew wasn't totally sold until months later when we were getting serious about names and couldn't come up with anything. Then all of a sudden, Olivia started looking good! So, that's what we've got. Little LOU

On to Gray.
So far, Gray LOVES his sister so much. He constantly says "Is this Gray's baby sister? She's so tiny. She is such a cutie. She has tiny hands and a tiny mouth and tiny eyes and tiny ears and a tiny nose. Gray loves her." I'm not kidding. It goes exactly like that, usually while right in her face, which is why we ended up in the ER on Lou's 2 week birthday. 

Gray had a pretty bad cold that he passed on to Lou. We noticed she was having a hard time breathing and I went in for her 2 week check up and the doctor said "I'm sorry to tell you this, but you will need to head to the ER. I think she has RSV." Her oxygen levels were pretty low. It scared the crap out of me. THANK GOD my brother and sister-in-law were here. My brother stayed home with the boys and Kristen came with me to Children's ER until Drew could get there. What a nightmare! After a 3 hour wait in the ER waiting room with dozens of sicks kids, we got a room. They immediately stuck tubes up Lou's nose to suck out her mucus. I was shocked. I had no idea a little one could have so much snot. It was about 10 minutes of screaming at the top of her lungs and me trying to hold back tears. HORRIBLE. After they sucked her mucus out, she was able to breathe again. Her oxygen levels went back to normal. At that point they wanted us to stay so they could monitor her for a few hours while she ate, slept, etc. So around 11pm, we finally got to go home with a Bronchiolitis diagnosis. Poor girl is still having trouble breathing, but things are much better. 

Sorry, back to Gray. 
 Even though Gray LOVES his sister, he really hasn't been loving Drew or I. It has been a challenging month to say the least. Gray has gone from my sweet, calm boy to my temper tantrum throwing (about 2-3 a day), non-listening, difficult child. I'm sure something has to do with his age. Don't get me wrong he still has plenty of fun and lots of sweet moments, just not as often. I'm really glad that he isn't taking it out on Louise, but it is very hard for Drew and I. We are both really looking forward to Gray adjusting!!! Hoping it's soon! :) 

I'll leave it at that for now. Lou is 1 month old today, so I have to get her one month post up!