Monday, November 10, 2014

19 months!


 Happy 19th Month Birthday Louise!

In her 18th month, Lou:

-began talking in sentences. They aren't perfect sentences, but I'm still impressed.

-has become increasingly more indecisive...
Lou: "I want socks."
Me: "You want socks on your feet?"
Lou: "YES!"
Me: "Ok, sit down and I'll help you."

-Still loves anything from Frozen, Mickey or anything Gray is into.

-went trick or treating with Gray and 2 other good friends. She was a little hesitant at first, but by the end was going up to the door with the kids and then when they would close the door and the other 3 kids would walk away, she would say "trick or treat." She'll get it next year.

-continues to love Gray. She hugs him when he wakes up from his naps and asks "Where's Gray?" when he's at school. It's not all love and fun though. Lou wants Gray's toys, Gray doesn't want Lou to have them. Gray wants Lou's toys, Lou doesn't want Gray to have them. Seems like it should be an easy problem to fix, but not without a fight and tears. 

Lou is still such a sweetie. She throws tantrums, has attitude, hits and bites, but she also she makes us laugh, gives great hugs and kisses, shows us all so much love and is such a joy to have in our lives. We love you little Lou.