Tuesday, April 24, 2012

T-shirt Tuesday.

French lessons early! I can only hope that Gray speaks French someday!
t-shirt by

Thursday, April 19, 2012

No longer in his teens.

 Hard to tell, but Gray is dancing here.
 Showing a little shoulder.
 Dad, making Gray smile.
 Happy man.
 Clapping along with the music on his show.
 Still clapping.
 Daddy love.
I know a professional photographer would probably tear this photo to shreds, but sometimes I really enjoy the overexposed, blurry photo. Mixed with Gray's calm face, this photo looks so quiet to me. 

20 months old! 

Not a lot has changed in the last month...Gray is talking more, sleeping more, eating a little more, still loves all of his classes, loves other kiddos, loves smoothies, is obsessed with being outside, wants to be on the "weeeee's" (swings) non-stop and gets sweeter and sweeter every day!  It's amazing how great this age is. I find myself watching Gray eat or play or hug Ellie and I start smiling thinking about how wonderful a little man he has become. 

We love you mister.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

T-shirt Tuesday!

Miles Davis
(Chaser tee)

I LOVE jazz. I would say I spend about 90% off my music listening time listening to jazz. Drew and I used to listen to "Kind of Blue" all of the time when we were dating, so needless to say when I saw this shirt I had to have it (for Gray.)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My MANE Man.

Gray is giving his barber the evil eye.
(BTW, she frizzed his hair out to get an idea of how long it was, we didn't take him out in public like that. Although, now that I think about it...that's how his hair always looks.)
This was the only part Gray didn't like. After I pointed out all of the things on his cape, he was fine.
Gray was getting sentimental about his hair. He really didn't want a cut.
So long.
I was worried about Gray's curls being cut off and not returning. I had nothing to worry about.
They brought out Winnie the Pooh on DVD for Gray.
He had never seen it, but was very intrigued.
"I have a question...what the heck happened to my hair?"
Hard to tell he got a cut.
Gray loves all things bike (just like his dad.)
Love the hair.

"This new haircut makes me feel like I feel like I can do ANYTHING!"
"I feel about 10 lbs. lighter. It's so easy to get around now."

What is it about a child's first haircut that is so hard for the parents? I've been thinking about this for a while now since we have had a hard time getting Gray's hair cut. In fact I cancelled Gray's appointment a few weeks ago because we just couldn't go through with it. We both knew he desperately needed one, but for some reason couldn't pull the trigger. Maybe it's because Gray has (what we think is) the BEST hair, maybe it's because he still doesn't have a lot of side hair and we didn't want things to look strange, maybe it's because I didn't want him to look so grown up. It seems that once a kid gets a hair cut, they no long look like a baby. Whatever the reason, we realized we were over-reacting. Everything turned out fine. Gray's first haircut was a SUCCESS! I've heard so many horror stories about the first haircut so I was worried Gray would probably scream the entire time. To avoid this, we immediately decided instead of the airplane chair, Gray would sit on Drew's lap. He did great. No fits at all and his hair looks amazing!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Peeps be with you ! (T-shirt Tuesday)


Gray has so many great t-shirts, I've decided to share them all with you in our new series called
"T-shirt Tuesday."I will try my best to post a new picture every Tuesday.

Gray's first tee was given to him by his Grandma and Grandpa Unthank. I thought it was appropriate and hilarious! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!


The best swing ride of Gray's life!
Sweet Charley!
Greta was such a huge help during the egg hunt.
She pointed out lots of eggs to Gray and Charley!
On the hunt!
What do I do now that I have all of these eggs?
(Gray has never had candy.)
"Stop taking my picture and help me open this egg!"

Candy zone out.
Swedish fish in her teeth.

Enjoying Swedish Fish for the first time!

"Do you think we could steal Greta's fish?"

"Charley, you can have my milk, if I can have your ball."
Taking turns.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. We spent the day with Drew's parents and went to our good friends house in the afternoon for an egg hunt. Gray loves Greta and Charley so much and was so excited to spend part of his day with them.

Thanks to Mike and Toni for coming out to watch Gray while we went to Beaver Creek for a friends wedding! It was nice to get away, even if only for one night!