Monday, February 28, 2011

jam session

Gray got this drum after we went to his friend Hudson's house and played with one there. He LOVES it so much. He really does love to bang on it, which has just happened in the last couple of days. I'm hoping this is a sign that he will be musically inclined, like his dad. Guess he will have to start music classes soon.

I love in this video when the voice on the drum starts speaking in Spanish and Gray just stops and looks at the drum like, "What are you talking about, lady?" Guess we better get in some language classes too. LOL.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

This bites....

Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething. ~Mark Twain

Gray got his first tooth the day after Christmas and his second a few days after that. Since then he has been working on the top 2 and they are finally here.

It has not been fun. I've had many people tell me they didn't even know their kids were teething, their teeth just suddenly appeared. I only wish that were the case with Gray. It's been a very painful process for him. I'm hoping now we will have a little break before the next 2 come in and I'm sure he is hoping the same thing.

ps. the toothbrush is for you grandaddo.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Birthday Bliss...

I spent my day hanging with my little man.
He spent his day hanging with his little man.
"Mom, could you please comb my hair for once?"

I can see this coming back to bite me in the butt when Gray is a teenager wanting to go to school with bed head and I am fighting to get him to comb his hair. :)
My mom called and insisted Drew take a picture of Gray with me on my 32nd birthday.
Here you go Mom!
Drew brought home my favorite bottle of Chardonnay and my favorite color of flowers...
...he also made this amazing dinner, tenderloin with sauteed shallots and shiitake mushrooms and a side of roasted fingerling potatoes. It was amazing...
...and so were these.
Ever since we had macaroons at le bon marche epicerie in Paris, I have loved macaroons. Now they are everywhere in Denver. Delicious, but nothing compares to eating them on a picnic in front of the Louvre.
One of my dearest friends in the world brought me this cupcake. It is called the Nutty Nana and it is from the best cupcake place in town, Big Fat Cupcake. My dad and Drew actually named the cupcake and won a dozen cupcakes for doing so. It is banana cake with nutella filling and peanut butter frosting. Oh, Emily, what are you trying to do to me? :)

It was a simple day. We didn't really do anything. I guess that's what happens when you get older. Birthday's just aren't as exciting. Still, it was a perfect day and I am so happy to celebrate my 32nd year of life with my little Gravy. Here's to you little man, for making life if I need it after all the dessert I just ate.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Half a dozen.....

I know every month I talk about how hard it is to believe that Gray is another month older, but this one is a big one. 6 months old. Half a year old. It's gone fast and as I always say, we have loved every second.

Gray had his 6 month check up today and is still 50%weight, 50% height, and now......95% head. His brains continue to grow. We might as well alert Harvard now.

Grayson Andrew Unthank, Harvard Graduate.
I like the sound of that! Although, unless he gets a scholarship, I think NAU will have to do!

Happy 6 month birthday little man! We love you!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's weekend.

L-R (TOP) *Drew cracking up at Gray cracking up*Grandma Toni reading Gray his new book
(BOTTOM) *Grandaddo Mike with businessman Gray. *The Crocodile King.
L-R (TOP) *Gray and his dad. *Gray and his mom.
(BOTTOM) *Gray telling me a secret. *Sweetie pie.
L-R (TOP) *Casual Sunday with Dad. *I don't think it gets much cooler than this.
*The "COOLEST" dudes. *In our black workout gear, with my new blabla.

Grandpa and Grandma Bohn sent me this hoodie for Valentines Day! I am going to my first Cubs game in April with them and I can't wait! I think this may be a good year for them! My cousin and I will be here to cheer them on! We will bring them good luck, I just know it!

We spent this last weekend with Mike and Toni. It was a great time and Gray enjoyed the constant attention. The funniest part of the weekend for me was with Toni and Gray. As soon as Toni got to town, she was holding Gray and he started crying. Toni then began telling Gray that she had some things for him in her suitcase and proceeded to get them. Gray's cry slowly turned into his "fake" crying and then a smile as he saw his new things. It was hilarious. Ellie knows that for 8 years Grandma Unthank has been bringing treats for her when she comes to town. She knows to dig through Grandma's things when she gets here. It seems Gray may have already figured this out. CLASSIC.

Gray had a wonderful Valentine's weekend! Hope you did too!

Happy Valentine's Day!

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
-Dr. Seuss

Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate LOVE. This may be the best Valentine's Day yet. I feel so lucky in life and in love. I am married to the man of my dreams, the love of my life, truly the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow. I also have welcomed this new, wonderful little love into my life. Such a sweet LITTLE man, but the love I feel for him is LARGER than life. Larger than anything I could ever imagine.

I hope you all have a beautiful day and are lucky enough to spend it with the one you love.


And, just so you know, it was too hard to decide between the 3 photos above. That is why I posted all three.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


It's a sad day. Gray's "At Home" breakfast PJ's are too small for him. These PJ's have a special place in my heart. As soon as I found out we were having a boy, I went out and bought these pj's (along with this silly rattle) for Gray. I remember buying them and thinking about how cute our little boy would be in them on a Saturday morning, snuggling by a fire. Now, my little baby is too big for them. It almost makes me want to cry. Silly, I know.

And so I say, "Bittersweet" because now Gray has new pair of PJ's that I love. My parents gave these Tea PJ's to Gray and they couldn't be cuter. Whenever they are clean, they are the ones I reach for. You might say, "Who cares they are only PJ's?" But for me, it's the last thing I see Gray in at the end of the day and the first thing I see him in at the start of the next day. When I see him in them, they make me smile even bigger.

Make me smile items...

*Cute PJ's

(At Home Xmas pj's from and unthank)

*Baby socks that look like shoes
(I sent this picture to my mom before Gray was born to show her how big of a problem I had. The sad thing is, that isn't all of them.) :)
*Patagonia for babies
(Our friends Sara and Geoff sent this amazing coat for Gray after he was born. We've been waiting for the day he would fit into it!)
*Anything that reminds me of Drew on a smaller scale
(This has given me a great idea for a future post....stay tuned.)
*Cute hats
(Gray could never have enough.)
*Baby butts in skinny jeans
(especially my baby)
*Anything totally impractical for a baby
(like Gray's cashmere sweater from his and Unthank. I mean, come on...what baby doesn't want to wear a cashmere hoodie? It's my FAVORITE! I wish I had the same one in my size.)
(I guess this could go under both "Totally impractical" and "Small Scale Drew" items.)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Drew!


Happy 32nd Birthday Drew!
We love you!