Sunday, March 18, 2012


Nineteen months, with grapes shoved in his cheek.
My little love. I informed Gray that he had a pocket. He never knew they existed, now he wants "ockets" on everything. Ellie is waiting for the day when Gray can actually figure out how to open that door.
(It's tricky, let me tell you.)Taking a ride on his "cuck." (truck)Serious, as always. "WOAH! What am I doing on the table?"
"I hate this! Get me down, NOW!"
"Mom, that was so not cool."
Still bitter.
Honestly, I was OK with his bitterness, because these pictures are PERFECT.
"I am SO done with this."

Happy 19 Gray!

Gray is talking up a storm, seems to enjoy throwing fits, has developed a bit of separation anxiety, has become the world's most picky eater, laughs a lot, makes us laugh a lot, loves Ellie, loves to be outside, loves to go to the "ark" (park), loves reading, loves giving kisses, kicks a soccer ball likes it's nobody's business, slam dunks a basketball in a way that would make Michael Jordan jealous and is no longer allergic to dairy or peanuts (WOOHOO!) We are loving this age, although it can be very, very challenging and exhausting (having a newborn ain't got nothing on toodler-hood), the pro's outweigh the con's without a doubt.

Love you Gravy. Thank you for making us laugh every single day!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


The morning Nana and GDD left.
Gray Land
This was set up when Drew and I got home. AWESOME.
Cookies and milk, anyone?
On a side note, Gray is no longer allergic to dairy and now (b/c he is only in the 5th percentile for weight) is drinking ROYAL RICH milk from our milk man. It's ONLY 10% milk fat!!!!!!! It tastes like ice cream that has melted.
"Play Hut Time"
I promise our living room doesn't always look like this! :)
"Art Time"
"Guitar Time"
"Yogurt with 3 Spoons"
"Great Play"
"Breakfast Time"
Now, that is some SERIOUS hair.
"Giving Love"
I made this sign for Gray and put it on his door the night before we left. When he woke up and saw it, Toni said he tore the picture up (what she meant was he tore our heads off.)

Thank you so much to Mike and Toni for watching Gray while we spent some time together, alone! Gray had the time of his life and wishes we would leave again, immediately. Toni was so amazing and sent us pictures of Gray every day (they are all above, in quotes.) As you can see, he had so much fun and formed a great bond with his Nana and GDD. Drew and I feel so lucky to have parents that love our son and our son loves back. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you from all four of us. You have earned YOUR gold star!


Monday, March 5, 2012

VACATION- at last!!!!

First drink.
lob-stahWhy do I live in the mountains? Hot-tubbin' waiting for our sushi lunch. Not a soul around. We had a lot of these. Celebrating, 2 new knees and hopefully will be celebrating them running in a few months. Amazing beach. This log was a few hundred yards from our resort and Drew and I kept thinking it was a person or an animal. ha. Banana?Drinking, again? Beautiful.
Drinking, again????
The result of too much drinking. Drew and I walking around our resort after dinner (and...drinks) trying to be funny with my camera. ha. ha. ha. so much fun.
Our chairs sent us a postcard. Wasn't that sweet? We miss them so much it hurts.

Drew and I just got back from a much needed vacation to Punta Mita, Mexico. My first trip without Gray. I was having a bit of anxiety about leaving Gray for the first time, but because Drew's parents came out to watch Gray, I knew he would be fine (more on that later!) We were gone for 5 days. Seems so short when you say it, but the time allowed us to relax on the beach, read books, sleep in, sit down for 3 meals a day, have adult conversations, golf (Drew), spa (Kristy), skip stones in the ocean, search for sea shells to bring Gray and enjoy each others company. It was amazing. We both feel refreshed and I am so grateful to have such amazing in-laws to allow us to take such a trip. Now, when and where are we going next?