Monday, March 5, 2012

VACATION- at last!!!!

First drink.
lob-stahWhy do I live in the mountains? Hot-tubbin' waiting for our sushi lunch. Not a soul around. We had a lot of these. Celebrating, 2 new knees and hopefully will be celebrating them running in a few months. Amazing beach. This log was a few hundred yards from our resort and Drew and I kept thinking it was a person or an animal. ha. Banana?Drinking, again? Beautiful.
Drinking, again????
The result of too much drinking. Drew and I walking around our resort after dinner (and...drinks) trying to be funny with my camera. ha. ha. ha. so much fun.
Our chairs sent us a postcard. Wasn't that sweet? We miss them so much it hurts.

Drew and I just got back from a much needed vacation to Punta Mita, Mexico. My first trip without Gray. I was having a bit of anxiety about leaving Gray for the first time, but because Drew's parents came out to watch Gray, I knew he would be fine (more on that later!) We were gone for 5 days. Seems so short when you say it, but the time allowed us to relax on the beach, read books, sleep in, sit down for 3 meals a day, have adult conversations, golf (Drew), spa (Kristy), skip stones in the ocean, search for sea shells to bring Gray and enjoy each others company. It was amazing. We both feel refreshed and I am so grateful to have such amazing in-laws to allow us to take such a trip. Now, when and where are we going next?

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