Friday, August 8, 2014

Sweet 16.



In the last month...
Lou has had 2 black eyes, fallen off the couch into the coffee table and fallen off of Ellie's chair on her head 3or 4 times.
Lou has no fear (which can explain the accident's above). She climbs onto everything and thinks she is as big as Gray. Cute, but so scary.
Lou says things like
 "No, no, no, no, no."
"Tickle, tickle, tickle."
"Hi Daddy (Mommy or Gray)."
"Big Girl"
The list goes on and on.
Lou loves to move. She runs so fast and falls most of the time. She also loves to dance and twirl around. Sometimes we will see her twirling even if there is no music. 
Lou got to play with her cousin Nelson again. She loved him. Her Uncle Brian however, continues to scare her. Ha.
Lou loves the water. She loves to swim, loves the bath, loves water over her head.
Happy Birthday Lou Bear! We love you!