Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Checking out the view in his space pj's.
Lounging around.
Kiss from Dad.
This high chair is AWESOME!
It is on wheel's and we just wheeled Gray around from table to table.
Gray in his new "Zoo Keeper" onesie waiting to go to the Lincoln Zoo.
I've got my binoculars...tucked into my belt.
I couldn't resist.
This picture of Gray cracks me up. Cross eyed and it looks like he has one tooth. Classic.
Leo the (trash vacuum) Lion. Drew informed me that when he was a kid, this was his favorite thing at the zoo. It has suction at mouth the sucks up your trash. Needless to say, we had to get Gray's picture in front of it with his dad! He loved it too.
Have you ever seen an all white peacock?

Yep...they are all wearing the same polo. :)

Gray loves his Nanny.
"Wall of Gray"
Toni is showing Gray all of his pictures she has printed from his blog.
This wall started with a small bulletin board and now it has taken over the entire hall.
Gray actually did get a kick out of it. He smiled at a lot of his pictures.

Gray having a chat with his Great Grandma Mep.

Love this one.
So, so sweet.

We were in Lincoln to celebrate Grandaddo's 60th birthday! We had a surprise party for Mike and Toni (her 60th was in March) with all of their good friends and family. It was a fun, fun weekend. Well, all except for Gray deciding it would be fun to wake up at 5:00 to start the day. In his defense, he did get another tooth while we were there, so I think that may have had something to do with it. Now, we are back in Denver and I think we can officially say the summer weather has arrived! YAY!

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