Gray has been going to Gymboree since he was about 3 months old. He loves it. He has made some really great friends there. Corinne, Rose, Lizzie, Drew and Sadie (who I can't believe I have no pictures of) are all such great babies with great moms. We have even started a little play-group outside of Gymboree. Because Gray spends most of his time with me, it is so nice for him to be able to see his friends a few times a week and let loose.
This week Gray moved up from Level I to Level II. Level I is for younger babies and for most of the class the babies lay on their blankets and you sing them songs. Level II starts when babies can sit up. Gray was the oldest in Level I and is now the youngest in Level II. His first class was a bit overwhelming for him. He started to cry a few times when he was over-stimulated. This class encourages you to use all of the equipment to help them crawl, pull themselves up, walk, etc. He still gets to do many of his favorite things like, parachute time (babies lie in a circle and we lift a huge parachute above them and lift it up and down while singing a song) and bubble time (Beth, our instructor blows bubbles at all of the babies and we sing a song.) However, there are many new things including baby soccer, which almost caused Gray a nervous breakdown.
I am so grateful for these classes. We have such a great time and look forward to making many new buddies.
Nice work Gray! See you tomorrow.