(FYI it is in the 70's today, that is why we are wearing our summer hat.LOL.)

We gave Gray some rice crackers...he can't get enough. I can't even believe how much he loves them, they have no flavor.
*Now, instead of making a long "ahhhhhhhhhhh" noise, Gray has started to say "Ma, Ba, ffffffff, Pa." I would like to say that he said "Ma Ma," but I think it was "Ma Ba." I kept telling him he needed to say "Ma Ma" before his 7 month post, but I think he is protesting. I don't have a video of this yet, as he won't do it when I get the camera.
*We are minutes away from crawling. He gets up on all fours and scoots back and fourth. He is ready....I on the other hand, am not.
Gray is changing every day. He doesn't seem like a baby anymore. He will not sit still for one minute. He has to be going, going, going, going. Moving from play mat, to high chair, to stroller, to mom's arms, to 2nd play mat, to bouncy chair to dad's arms, to our bed. I am not kidding. He is not a great napper. We have been lucky the past week or so to get 3 a day but they are pretty short. So, the constant moving with no breaks really makes me tired. I guess he is just preparing me for what is to come. I have a feeling the 8 month post will have some major accomplishments. Looking forward to sharing them with you.
We love you little man.
*Now, instead of making a long "ahhhhhhhhhhh" noise, Gray has started to say "Ma, Ba, ffffffff, Pa." I would like to say that he said "Ma Ma," but I think it was "Ma Ba." I kept telling him he needed to say "Ma Ma" before his 7 month post, but I think he is protesting. I don't have a video of this yet, as he won't do it when I get the camera.
*We are minutes away from crawling. He gets up on all fours and scoots back and fourth. He is ready....I on the other hand, am not.
Gray is changing every day. He doesn't seem like a baby anymore. He will not sit still for one minute. He has to be going, going, going, going. Moving from play mat, to high chair, to stroller, to mom's arms, to 2nd play mat, to bouncy chair to dad's arms, to our bed. I am not kidding. He is not a great napper. We have been lucky the past week or so to get 3 a day but they are pretty short. So, the constant moving with no breaks really makes me tired. I guess he is just preparing me for what is to come. I have a feeling the 8 month post will have some major accomplishments. Looking forward to sharing them with you.
We love you little man.
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