Gray and his collection of Rex Ray's that his Aunt and Uncle promised him for his 1st birthday.

Like father like son.

Grandma and Gray (love this picture.)

Of course, my mom was singing to Gray immediately.

Uncle Brian and Gray.

My favorite picture of my dad and Gray.

We started comparing Brian's baby pictures to Gray. There are a lot of similarities. Gray looks more like Brian than me, that's for sure.

The apple of their eye.

Drew's Uncle Mark and Aunt Yolima came by to meet Gray.

Fitz and Gray. Gray loved Fitz licking his feet. Fitz loved stealing Gray's blabla's and dragging them to the driveway.

Mom-to-be with Gray and Fitz.

We flew down to Dallas last weekend to see my family and help throw my sister-in-law, Kristen's baby shower (more on that tomorrow.) Brian and Kristen are due May 5 and I am so, so, so, so excited to become an aunt. I can't wait for our kids to meet and for all of us to take trips together. Gray and Baby Bohn (they don't know what they are having) will be 9 months apart, so they will surely be close! Anyway, we had a great time visiting with my family, Fitz, our great friends Mike and Liz (Jerry too), Drew's aunt and uncle and Kristen's family.
We loved having you guys!! Awesome to see you all and Gray!