Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Gray got some new PJ's. I LOVE THEM. I really got these PJ's because of the bicycle sign on them. Drew and I love riding bikes and would do so all summer long if Gray was able to ride in a trailer. (Not until he is 1. SAD.) I think the last time I rode my bike was to yoga the week before Gray was born. SUPER SAD.

I took these pictures last week right after Gray's shower and right before bed. He was just watching Ellie the entire time. Anytime I want Gray to smile, I just call Ellie over. That is all it takes. I'm not sure he does the same for her. LOL.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Goldie Love.

A little something to warm your hearts on this snowy day.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy 60th Birthday Nanny!





We wish you a very happy birthday! Wish we could be there to help you celebrate!
We are all so grateful to have you in our lives.
May this be your BEST year yet!

We love you,
Drew, Kristy, Gray and Ellie

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Continuing Adventures of Captain Grayson.

Captain Grayson- reporting for duty.
Ready to go.
This backpack even came with its own bear...see it in the side pocket?
Dad and Gray.
Drew, Gray and Ellie.
See Gray giving Drew a little hug?
Drew kept saying, "I feel someone's little hands grabbing my back."
So adorable.
Post hike snack.

We took Gray on his first hike on Sunday. Brian and Kristen gave us the baby backpack for our birthdays last year when I was pregnant. It was such a thoughtful gift and I know it will get so much use this summer. Our first hike was a pretty short one. Gray has a cold and we weren't sure how long he would be able to take being in a bouncy backpack. He did really well. He didn't fuss until the very end. Ellie was so happy to get out. She loves Mt. Falcon. Drew and I used to take her trail running here...pre-Gray. She is used to being off leash, but on Sunday's there are too many rangers out that will ticket us, so she had to be leashed up. She seemed to be ok with that. I think she was just happy to be in the mountains. Drew was thrilled to have his first hike with Gray. The first of MANY, I am sure.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


For Gray's 7 month birthday we got him these maracas. He loves the Leap Frog drum so much we thought these might be a hit too. Sure enough, he has been loving them. I love in this video at the beginning when he is swinging it around like he is a Jedi or something. AWESOME. I hate in this video how obnoxious I sound...sorry about that! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Super Duper Emily.

Mercedes, Emily and Mom.
Emily and Jenna
The hosts- Linsey, Kasey, Toniann and me.

This weekend we hosted a baby shower for one of my dearest friends in the world. It was at our house and was thrown by some of my other dear friends (all of whom I met working at Anthropologie.) I met Emily 8 years ago when Anthropologie opened. She was a part time associate and also the "guac girl" at Lola. I was an M.I.T (manager in training.) We have become great friends over the years and now (with our retail careers behind us) we get to raise our boys together. I look forward to many fun times ahead with our families.

Love you Emily.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lucky #7

Yeah, I took my hat off.
Yeah, I'm taking my glasses off too.
Now, I'm gonna eat these glasses.
Mom had to put the hat back on.
(FYI it is in the 70's today, that is why we are wearing our summer hat.LOL.)

Another month has come and gone. Gray's 6th month was fabulous. Here are some of the things that have happened in the last month....
*Gray conquered sitting up. No more wobbling. He is a sturdy man. In fact today the doctor told Gray he had the "most beautiful posture she had ever seen." She was encouraging him to become a yoga instructor. She even had him lie down for savasana.
*Gray had his first day at the park and rode on a swing and slid down the slide. He LOVED the swing. I am so anxious for it to be nice out every day. I think we will be living at the park this summer.
*Gray had his first trip to Dallas to visit his Uncle Brian and Aunt Kristen.
*Gray can finally ride in a shopping cart. This was his first ride. He was holding on for dear life.

We gave Gray some rice crackers...he can't get enough. I can't even believe how much he loves them, they have no flavor.

*Now, instead of making a long "ahhhhhhhhhhh" noise, Gray has started to say "Ma, Ba, ffffffff, Pa." I would like to say that he said "Ma Ma," but I think it was "Ma Ba." I kept telling him he needed to say "Ma Ma" before his 7 month post, but I think he is protesting. I don't have a video of this yet, as he won't do it when I get the camera.

*We are minutes away from crawling. He gets up on all fours and scoots back and fourth. He is ready....I on the other hand, am not.

Gray is changing every day. He doesn't seem like a baby anymore. He will not sit still for one minute. He has to be going, going, going, going. Moving from play mat, to high chair, to stroller, to mom's arms, to 2nd play mat, to bouncy chair to dad's arms, to our bed. I am not kidding. He is not a great napper. We have been lucky the past week or so to get 3 a day but they are pretty short. So, the constant moving with no breaks really makes me tired. I guess he is just preparing me for what is to come. I have a feeling the 8 month post will have some major accomplishments. Looking forward to sharing them with you.

We love you little man.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Kristen's shower


Everything looked beautiful.
Kristen and her mom.

Kristen and my mom.
Hostesses and Mom-to-be.

I helped to host a baby shower for Kristen last weekend in Dallas...well, as much as I could help being in Denver. It turned out to be so beautiful and I think Kristen had a great time. It was such a joy to celebrate what is about to happen to my wonderful sister-in-law with her. She and Brian will be amazing parents. I am so happy for them and can only hope they enjoy every minute as much as Drew and I have.

Good luck in your last 2 months. It goes so fast. Enjoy it!

Little G in Big D

Gray and his collection of Rex Ray's that his Aunt and Uncle promised him for his 1st birthday.
Like father like son.
Grandma and Gray (love this picture.)
Of course, my mom was singing to Gray immediately.
Uncle Brian and Gray.
My favorite picture of my dad and Gray.
We started comparing Brian's baby pictures to Gray. There are a lot of similarities. Gray looks more like Brian than me, that's for sure.
The apple of their eye.
Drew's Uncle Mark and Aunt Yolima came by to meet Gray.Fitz and Gray. Gray loved Fitz licking his feet. Fitz loved stealing Gray's blabla's and dragging them to the driveway.
Mom-to-be with Gray and Fitz.

We flew down to Dallas last weekend to see my family and help throw my sister-in-law, Kristen's baby shower (more on that tomorrow.) Brian and Kristen are due May 5 and I am so, so, so, so excited to become an aunt. I can't wait for our kids to meet and for all of us to take trips together. Gray and Baby Bohn (they don't know what they are having) will be 9 months apart, so they will surely be close! Anyway, we had a great time visiting with my family, Fitz, our great friends Mike and Liz (Jerry too), Drew's aunt and uncle and Kristen's family.