Friday, June 17, 2011

Double Digits.

10 month old Gray
Sitting in a chair is HILARIOUS!
"Ummm, how do I get down, Mom?"
"Wow! Check out the sleeve on this sweater! AMAZING!"
"Man, I thought I was done with sleeves until it got cold again!"
"Mmmmm...crib is delicious."
Time for a teething guard!
Look at how happy Verdi is to be spending time with Gray!

This Gray/Verdi (the monkey) comparison is getting to be impossible.


We are now into the double digits. 10 months old. That is scary! Time is flying.

In the last month Gray has...

*Started pulling himself up onto ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
(Ellie, closet mirrors, tables, bar stools, foot stools)

*LOVES to play "Crash Down" with Dad.
(Crash down is where Drew lays on the couch, Gray pulls himself up to stand on top of Drew and looks at me, smiles and then crashes down on top of Drew. It is hysterical. I will get a video of it up soon!)

*Gives high fives
*Gives fist pumps
(sometimes he gets the 2 confused!)

*LOVES to eat. Gray will eat anything. He particularly loves grilled chicken and bread with apple butter. He also LOVES yogurt, but I think he may be allergic. He gets red around his mouth after eating it...bummer.

*Has a few signs from his sign language class..."more," "dog" and the teacher thinks he has "ball," but I am not so sure about that. ;)

*LOVES to sleep. Gray has always been a good sleeper, but now loves it so much he has decided to make his bedtime 5:00-5:30. This is great for me, but hard for Drew because he doesn't get to see him when he gets home from work.

I am sure I am forgetting a million things that have changed in the last month, but these are the ones that stand out. We feel so blessed to have such an amazing, happy, sweet, lovable little man.

Stayed tuned for next month when Gray celebrates his first Fourth of July in Flagstaff and visits Telluride (my favorite place) for the first of many times!

Happy Summer!!!!

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