Gray is currently obsessed with carrying around food from the pantry, although all he wants to eat are crackers.

15 months. It's been busy in the Unthank household for the last month. Gray is now walking and becoming more and more confident with it. I miss the days when I could place Gray on his play mat and he would lay there for hours without moving. ha.
Sorry I have been so terrible about new posts. I have been working on the 2011 Christmas Countdown and have been trying to save a lot of the photos I have been taking to use for it.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, if I don't get any posts up before then!
Happy Birthday Gravy!
His face is a flipping perfect combination of your's and Drew's. He looks identical to you when he is making that goofy smile in the second to last picture and he looks identical to drew in the very top picture when he's giving his business casual look!