WOWZA! Month 7 flew by and I think it was because we were so busy doing new things. Here are some of the things that have happened in the last month...

He is starting to try to pull himself up and we didn't want to take any chances!

Gray also...
*got 2 new teeth...bringing our total to 6!
* started sign language class
*started music class
*started dancing like a maniac...more on that later.
*started "waving."
*says "Dadadadadadadadadad," even though he isn't sure what he is saying!
*has become a little person with a big personality.
Drew and I were talking yesterday about what an awesome phase Gray is in right now. He is so, so, so happy. Smiling, laughing, dancing, talking...he has become the most awesome little man in the world. He is a mover and a shaker and it's so fun and so exhausting at the same time!
Another fabulous month!
Happy 8 month birthday Gray!
We love you more and more every day!
what a doll!!! i can't believe he's doing all these amazing things... he's gonna have to teach Willa some tricks next month. Great photos, Kristy... seriously, such beautiful shots.