The #1 favorite toy of all toys is this silly looking thing. Gray is basically obsessed with it. It's almost as if he finds it more interesting the longer he stares at it. Don't most kids get bored the longer they stare at something?

My Dad and Mom gave Gray this stackable car thing. When you push on the top it plays music and lights up. We hadn't given him anything like this, so when he saw and heard what it was capable of, it was true love. On NYE when Gray was having a break down before he went to bed, this was the only thing that would make him stop crying (for a second, at least.)
For those of you that are hard core, "only wooden toys for my baby" advocates, you may not be interested in this toy, but it has helped Gray learn cause and effect. He knows that if he pushes the big button, the music will play, I know it sounds like a minor accomplishment, but I was pretty impressed. Don't get me wrong, we have plenty of wooden toys too, they just aren't on his "favorites" list, as of yet.

Santa brought this one for Gray and he has been loving it. When you open the mouth there is a mirror inside.

This toy and Gray go waaaaaayyyyyy back. All the way back to the beginning. This was the first toy I bought for Gray after I found out I was pregnant. It is the COOLEST rattle. The rattle sounds like an ocean wave. He has always loved it.

Gray's Great-Uncle Bob and Great-Aunt Lorraine sent this for him shortly after he was born. We clipped it on the side of his (wheel-around) bassinet. He loves it so much, he is often found "talking" to it.

Gray loves this for 3 reasons: the loops are really soft and fit easily into his mouth, the box in the middle is a rattle and the whole thing is really lightweight, making it easy for him to lift.

Mike and Toni gave this to Gray. If you push the heart it plays a song and the boarder on the mirror lights up. Gray loves the music, but more so he LOVES looking at himself. I have been putting him in his highchair with this on the tray and he will sit there for a LONG time just staring at himself, and then tries to get that little bear on the bottom right corner in his mouth. Can you see the smears on the mirror from his spitty little hands? Drool baby.
Toys are not just for fun. They play a huge roll in babies development (social, emotional, physical and educational.) They also give mommy a much needed break when your baby doesn't take too many naps.
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