Gray is giving his barber the evil eye.
(BTW, she frizzed his hair out to get an idea of how long it was, we didn't take him out in public like that. Although, now that I think about it...that's how his hair always looks.)
This was the only part Gray didn't like. After I pointed out all of the things on his cape, he was fine.
Gray was getting sentimental about his hair. He really didn't want a cut.

So long.

I was worried about Gray's curls being cut off and not returning. I had nothing to worry about.
They brought out Winnie the Pooh on DVD for Gray.
He had never seen it, but was very intrigued.

"I have a question...what the heck happened to my hair?"
Hard to tell he got a cut.
Gray loves all things bike (just like his dad.)
Love the hair.
"This new haircut makes me feel like I feel like I can do ANYTHING!"

"I feel about 10 lbs. lighter. It's so easy to get around now."
What is it about a child's first haircut that is so hard for the parents? I've been thinking about this for a while now since we have had a hard time getting Gray's hair cut. In fact I cancelled Gray's appointment a few weeks ago because we just couldn't go through with it. We both knew he desperately needed one, but for some reason couldn't pull the trigger. Maybe it's because Gray has (what we think is) the BEST hair, maybe it's because he still doesn't have a lot of side hair and we didn't want things to look strange, maybe it's because I didn't want him to look so grown up. It seems that once a kid gets a hair cut, they no long look like a baby. Whatever the reason, we realized we were over-reacting. Everything turned out fine. Gray's first haircut was a SUCCESS! I've heard so many horror stories about the first haircut so I was worried Gray would probably scream the entire time. To avoid this, we immediately decided instead of the airplane chair, Gray would sit on Drew's lap. He did great. No fits at all and his hair looks amazing!