(It's tricky, let me tell you.)

"I am SO done with this."
Happy 19 Gray!
Gray is talking up a storm, seems to enjoy throwing fits, has developed a bit of separation anxiety, has become the world's most picky eater, laughs a lot, makes us laugh a lot, loves Ellie, loves to be outside, loves to go to the "ark" (park), loves reading, loves giving kisses, kicks a soccer ball likes it's nobody's business, slam dunks a basketball in a way that would make Michael Jordan jealous and is no longer allergic to dairy or peanuts (WOOHOO!) We are loving this age, although it can be very, very challenging and exhausting (having a newborn ain't got nothing on toodler-hood), the pro's outweigh the con's without a doubt.
Love you Gravy. Thank you for making us laugh every single day!
Gray is talking up a storm, seems to enjoy throwing fits, has developed a bit of separation anxiety, has become the world's most picky eater, laughs a lot, makes us laugh a lot, loves Ellie, loves to be outside, loves to go to the "ark" (park), loves reading, loves giving kisses, kicks a soccer ball likes it's nobody's business, slam dunks a basketball in a way that would make Michael Jordan jealous and is no longer allergic to dairy or peanuts (WOOHOO!) We are loving this age, although it can be very, very challenging and exhausting (having a newborn ain't got nothing on toodler-hood), the pro's outweigh the con's without a doubt.
Love you Gravy. Thank you for making us laugh every single day!