Words cannot describe how incredibly grateful I am to have such amazing parents. For those of you that didn't know, I have had 2 knee surgeries (for torn meniscus) in the last 2 months. The first (my left) was in December and my parents came out for 10 days to help with Gray. The second (my right) was about 2 weeks ago and again, my parents came out to help.
With my first surgery, my dad came with me to the hospital so Drew could work. Being a retired anesthetist, I knew he was the right person to have by my side when the doctors were prepping me for surgery. He informed me of how things would go and made sure the anesthetist was using the right drugs. This time around, I knew what to expect and was grateful to have Drew by my side and my parents at home taking care of Gray.
The second time around was a bit more exhausting for my parents (and me.) Gray got croup a few days before my surgery and was (and still is) pretty miserable. Talk about CRANKY, SNOTTY, COUGHY, CLINGY, SLEEPY. It's awful. All he wanted me to do was hold him, which is very challenging when you just have had knee surgery. My mom would wake up with Gray and let me go back to bed, if I needed to. She would feed him breakfast, clean the kitchen, feed him lunch, clean the kitchen, feed him dinner, give him a bath, clean the kitchen... all while singing and dancing and trying her hardest to keep Gray happy. Both of my parents kept Gray entertained while I laid on the couch, trying to recover. They played endless games, read endless books, took lots of walks, stacked the blocks over and over and changed many nasty diapers.
A few days after they got here, my dad got sick. I figured it was only a matter of time before it was passed around to someone new. I had it the week before they got here, then Gray got it, then Drew got it and then my poor Dad. I actually think he may have gotten the worst of it. He couldn't move and yet, he did. The day we got almost 2 feet of snow, Drew had gone to the mountains to go skiing. My poor, sick dad shoveled our terribly long driveway. I can tell you from experience, it is a grueling task, even when you are healthy. Talk about SUPERSTAR! Gray must have thought so too, because the day before they left, my dad was downstairs resting on the couch and Gray yelled "gammmmmpaaaaaa" after my mom and I had been calling for him. It was priceless.
Both of my parents are SUPERSTARS, vacuuming...almost daily, taking care of Gray, doing laundry, cleaning, making dinner and Drew's birthday cake, taking care of Ellie and most importantly being my shoulder to cry on. I will never forget how much you did for me during this very challenging time. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have you as my parents and as my friends.
I love you!
(and so do Drew, Gray and Ellie)