Gray's chairs are still too big for him, so he has a moment of panic every time he's ready to get down.
I think Gray assumes when Ellie wags her tail close to his face she is telling him to grab on. What I really imagine is her saying "Shoo fly, don't bother me."
Ellie Love.
The very, very serious Gray.
Poor Ellie. Gray was sticking this candy (no he didn't get to eat it) through his chair and teasing Ellie. She actually thought he was going to give her some.
What a stinker.

"Here Ellie. If I can get this open, I will give you some."

"When will it ever end?"
At the park yesterday, checking out all of the geese.

"Where the heck are they going?"

17 months.
This last month has been filled with a lot of laughter and tears (from Gray's fun temper tantrums.) Here are some things that have happened...
Gray got 3 molars within a week of each other. It had to be so painful for him. He's now working on his 4th and his cuspids. YUCK.
Gray shifted to one nap a day which has been a wonderful thing for our morning routine. Now instead of him waking up at 6:30 and then needing an 8:30 nap, we have until 11:30 before he goes down. I'm sure this sounds ridiculous to those of you that don't have kids, but I can assure you...it is awesome!
Gray has taken a liking to hugging all babies that are smaller than him, all stuffed animals, Ellie, Dad and Mom. It is so sweet and something I never get tired of experiencing.
Gray has graduated from Level 3 Gymboree and is now in Level 4. I'll post a video on that sometime soon.
After 17 months, Gray has finally decided he likes sitting still for an entire book. Now, he wants you to read the same books over and over and over and over. Another thing I will never tire of because when I read to him, he turns around about 2 feet in front of me and backs up inch by inch until he finds my lap. He then sits down and actually listens. It's definitely one of my favorite things.
Gray's sign language and vocabulary continue to grow and impress me. He has more than 20 signs and more than 20 words.
It's been a great month (minus the temper tantrums.) In the next month, I'm having another knee surgery (my right knee this time) and my parents will be here for almost 2 weeks. Drew and I are going to Boulder for a night while they are here for our first (well, my first) night away from Gray. I'm looking forward to sleeping in for the first time in 17 months.
Happy 17 Gray!
Love ya, sweetie pie!