Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Inspired By.

Yep. We have a new food obsession. Annie's Mac & Cheese. Gray can't get enough. Funny thing is, I bought this t-shirt before was born because I love the little mac & cheese giving each other high-5 and smiling! Who knew it would be his favorite food on the planet. HA. It barely fits Gray now, so I had to keep pulling it down when I took his picture. The last picture is when Gray was almost 3 months old. Awwwww, where is all of his hair?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Twelve minus one.

11 months, but who is counting? Holy moly! I cannot believe (nor do I want to) that my little baby is almost a year old. Where has the last year gone?
Gray has had a very busy month...
-Yesterday morning Gray said "Hi Dad!" when he saw Drew!
He has been saying "Hi!" and "Da!" But never together! He also says "EEE" for "Ellie," and has just recently started saying "Mama." I don't think he knows what "Mama" means, but he says it! :)
-Gray has some new signs...
more, all done (he has done this twice), bear, dog
-Gray has started walking with his walker that his Aunt Kristen and Uncle Brian gave him.
(I'll post a video this week.)
-Gray went on his first trip to Telluride.
-Gray has been a busy little hiker. We started a Sunday morning tradition...breakfast at Snooze and then off for a hike. Gray loves the hike just as much as the pancakes!
-Gray's Grandpa & Grandma Bohn taught Gray where his nose is and also "How big is Grayson? Soooo big."
-Gray has had lots of new food...and loves EVERYTHING.
-Gray went swimming for the first time! Wasn't so sure about it at first, but now he loves it and loves to "jump" off the side into my arms.
-Gray loves to "dance" to music. Really, it's just bouncing, but I wouldn't tell him that.
It's been a great month. This time next month we will be celebrating one fabulous year of life with all of Gray's family and friends. I can hardly wait...not only for Gray's big day, but to meet my new nephew.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Tug of War.
We were trying to get packed up in Telluride and Gray wanted to play tug of war with my fleece. Pretty amusing.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Mountain Man

Gray had just finished a major mountain bike ride (see his sweet ride on the roof?)
While we were on this hike we met up with a retired couple on horseback who were clearing the trail. After we passed them, we started daydreaming about how wonderful it would be to be retired in Telluride and go out every afternoon on a hike or on horseback (which I have never done, but it seems great) to check out the conditions of the trails. I hope those people know how lucky they are.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Telluride (in town)

We had a great time in Telluride.
Rainy days, cool nights...we decided we are going to retire there. :)
Tomorrow I will post the pictures from our beautiful hike!
Monday, July 11, 2011

We went to meet a good high school friend of mine, Annette, and her 2 sons Baxter and Keaton. Her boys are adorable!

My parents watched Gray so Drew and I could go out. We had a great time!

I used to LOVE going to this place, its a convenience store with a bar.
We went to Flagstaff for the 4th. We were there for 6 days and had a great time visiting with my parents. It was so nice to have some quality time at home with my parents and I know they enjoyed the time with Gray (and he LOVED the time with them.) We didn't do too much of anything, which was really nice. Drew went mountain biking, I ran on my favorite trail, we got to sleep in (my parents would get up with Gray), ate some great food, sat in the hot tub everyday, drank margarita's every night. It was everything a vacation should be. Thanks Mom and Dad!
From Flag we headed up to never gets old.
I'll post some more pics throughout the week !
Hope you all had a great 4th!
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