I spent my day hanging with my little man.

He spent his day hanging with his little man.

"Mom, could you please comb my hair for once?"
I can see this coming back to bite me in the butt when Gray is a teenager wanting to go to school with bed head and I am fighting to get him to comb his hair. :)

My mom called and insisted Drew take a picture of Gray with me on my 32nd birthday.
Here you go Mom!

Drew brought home my favorite bottle of Chardonnay and my favorite color of flowers...

...he also made this amazing dinner, tenderloin with sauteed shallots and shiitake mushrooms and a side of roasted fingerling potatoes. It was amazing...

...and so were these.
Ever since we had macaroons at le bon marche epicerie in Paris, I have loved macaroons. Now they are everywhere in Denver. Delicious, but nothing compares to eating them on a picnic in front of the Louvre.

One of my dearest friends in the world brought me this cupcake. It is called the Nutty Nana and it is from the best cupcake place in town, Big Fat Cupcake. My dad and Drew actually named the cupcake and won a dozen cupcakes for doing so. It is banana cake with nutella filling and peanut butter frosting. Oh, Emily, what are you trying to do to me? :)
It was a simple day. We didn't really do anything. I guess that's what happens when you get older. Birthday's just aren't as exciting. Still, it was a perfect day and I am so happy to celebrate my 32nd year of life with my little Gravy. Here's to you little man, for making life sweeter...as if I need it after all the dessert I just ate.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!