Monday, September 27, 2010

Top 5 iPhone Photos

This cracks me up every time I see it! I wish I knew what he was thinking.

It looks like he is telling a secret and winking. Like, "I really like it when my mom sings to me. Wink, wink."

This one kills me. It doesn't even look like him. My mom asked for a picture, which she does every day. I told Gray to smile for his grandma and instead he blew a kiss.

"Hi Mom, I'm in my milk coma."

Having an iPhone is a MUST when you have a new baby. It's so easy to take a quick picture (when you don't have your camera handy) and email them right away. They aren't the BEST quality, but they give grandma and grandpa a quick fix.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Peaceful Baby

Gray is so cooperative when I want to take his picture!

Will these little feet grow to be as big as his Uncle Brian's 15AAA?

My little man, so amazing.

Monday, September 20, 2010


So, Gray has been dying to wear his guitar pants since he came home from the hospital and on Saturday he said, "Mom, I know my guitar pants don't go with my onesie, but I really want to wear them before they are too small. Do you think today could be the day?" He was so excited, I couldn't resist!

Gray thought his butt looked so good in his pants, he asked me to take a picture and post it for all the ladies.

I was laying at the opposite end of the couch trying to take a nap during half time of the Nebraska game. When I opened my eyes, this is what I saw. A little glare from across the room...then he said, "Why did you stop taking pictures of my pants? "

Friday, September 17, 2010

I'm 1 month old!!!!!

"Yo, Mom can't a kid get some cake on his birthday?"

I think he's throwing some sort of gang sign here.

"Look, I'm doing the Robot."

I think we almost got a REAL smile here.

To be or not to be....that is the question???

I can't believe my little man is a month old already. The amount of joy he has brought to our lives in this short amount of time is indescribable. Our lives are forever changed and we couldn't be happier about it. We love you Gray!

Dad and Mom

Our first baby, Ellie is handling the new addition pretty well. With the exception of wanting to steal any stuffed toy that Gray has in his room and jumping on every guest that comes over so that they will pay attention to her, she has (I hope) accepted the change. I have yet to take a picture of Gray curled up with Ellie because she wants to lick all the milk off of him.

Football is here....Gray wasn't as interested as Drew had hoped....give him time.

It's so amazing when he looks at me like he really knows who I am.

Mini Drew.

My red hat

I love these pictures. His little personality is hilarious. The first picture reminds me of "The Godfather," I don't know why???


I probably shouldn't post this, but you have to admit it is kind of funny. I was recording him because he had been smiling and I was hoping to get it on film....then I realized he was going to spit up.

Photo shoot

My first bath

Gray had to have sponge baths until his umbilical cord stump fell off. He really didn't like it until we started to wash his hair. He immediately stopped crying the minute I poured the warm water over his head and when Drew massaged the shampoo into his "hair" he was in heaven.

Dad is trying to warm him up!

Clean baby.

Clean, realxed and ready for a glass of "Grayson" chardonnay.


Grayson loved visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Bohn...

and Grandaddo and Nanny Unthank!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First few days

Dad and Gray, finally home.

Gray's first nap on his Dad.

Gray's first patio dinner. He was so cooperative, he loves to be outside!

Still amazed he is finally here.

First family photo!


Right after Gray was born, before they whisked him away for his lungs to be checked. I only got to hold him for about 2 minutes and then didn't see him again for about an hour and a half.

Gray with his Dad.

Gray on the day he got to go home. His little hands were so wrinkled. His "Leo" onesie was too big on him and now can barely be snapped.

Our new family on our way home. What a wonderful, yet scary feeling leaving the hospital. It was so great to have so much help at the hospital and I remember thinking, how are we going to do this without all of the nurses!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome Baby Gray!

It was a VERY long day and night. I went into labor at about 12:30am and had Gray at 8:39pm. Throughout the day we had some scary and stressful moments but he finally arrived.....healthy and fabulous!